Before you can operate a commercial vehicle (CMV) or obtain a commercial vehicle license, you must pass a U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) physical exam. A DOT physical is administered by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and includes a series of exams and background medical history screening.
It’s important to note that falsifying medical records or lying on a DOT physical has serious consequences, including civil and potentially criminal penalties.
In this blog, we explore why a DOT physical is important, what’s involved, how to prepare, and why you should never lie during the DOT physical examination process.
Table of Contents
The DOT Physical: A Comprehensive Overview

Commercial drivers provide an essential service, transporting goods and people – often in large vehicles – between locations.
If you’re applying for a position that requires you to drive a CMV, a certified DOT medical examiner must attest that you are physically, mentally, and emotionally fit to perform this demanding role.
What is a DOT Physical?
A DOT physical is a medical exam that screens CMV drivers to ensure the safety of the driver and the general public. Periodic DOT physicals keep the nation’s roads safer by ensuring that drivers can handle the physical demands and emotional stressors of operating a commercial vehicle.
DOT physicals are especially important in detecting chronic conditions that can impede a driver’s ability to perform work-related tasks, such as vision issues. They also ensure employers are compliant with FMCSA rules and minimize workplace absences due to injury.
A DOT physical is a prerequisite for obtaining a commercial driver’s license and mandatory for drivers who will operate a vehicle that:
- Is engaged in interstate commerce or has a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) of more than 10,000 pounds.
- Transports hazardous materials.
- Can carry more than 15 occupants (8 if the driver is a paid employee)
The DOT Physical Exam: A Step-by-Step Guide
A DOT physical exam is conducted by an FMCSA-certified medical examiner. During the assessment, the professional will evaluate the following:
- Vision
- Hearing
- Blood pressure and heart rate
And perform:
- Urinalysis
- Physical examination (eyes, skin, general appearance, lung and chest function, neurological indicators, limbs, etc.)
The examiner also inquires about your medical history, tobacco, alcohol, drug use, and current health problems. A sleep apnea study may be ordered.
Results are shared with the FMCSA regardless of whether you pass or fail.
If you pass your DOT physical you will be issued a DOT Medical Examiner’s Certificate (MEC). A DOT physical exam is valid for up to 24 months. The medical examiner will keep your MEC on file for three years.
The Heavy Price of Dishonesty: Penalties for Lying on a DOT Physical
Lying on a DOT physical is illegal and could lead to fines and penalties. It could also put your safety and that of the public at risk.
Lying can involve a failure to disclose a medical condition or history of drug or alcohol use that makes it dangerous for you to operate a commercial vehicle.
Legal Consequences of Dishonesty
Deliberately lying during the DOT physical exam has severe legal consequences – both civil and criminal.
Civil penalties
- The FMCSA medical certification process requires you to certify that you understand providing false, inaccurate, or misleading information may invalidate the exam and the medical examiner’s certificate. If the medical examiner finds that you lied on the Health History section of your application, they can invalidate your examination and medical examiner’s certificate.
- Making a false statement or concealing a disqualifying condition during a DOT physical can also result in a levy being issued against you under 49 U.S.C. 521(b)(2)(b).
- You also may be fined up to $11,000 and disqualified from operating a CMV for up to 12 months.
Criminal penalties
- The FMCSA can pursue criminal prosecution if it believes you fraudulently lied or falsified documents during the DOT medical exam process.
- In addition, if you operate a CMV and are involved in an accident that is proven in court to be a result of an undisclosed medical condition, you can be held criminally responsible for any injuries or fatalities.
- You may also be liable under third-party lawsuits brought by injured third parties or your employer.
Lying on your DOT physical is not worth the risk. Consider the following real-life examples:
- In 2018, a truck driver killed three people in a fiery crash on Interstate 10 in Arizona. The driver later pleaded guilty to falsifying information about a medical condition. As a result, the driver faced three criminal charges for allegedly forging multiple documents to disclose his epilepsy and keep his commercial driver’s license. In early 2023, he was sentenced to 1.75 years in prison.
- In 2019, a truck driver diagnosed with mental health issues was charged with ramming his tractor-trailer into a line of cars on an Indianapolis highway. The driver seemingly lied about his medical history to obtain a DOT medical certificate. Federal investigators also found the driver illegally failed to reveal he was fired from a previous job for careless driving, as well as involvement in a previous crash. The man was charged with reckless homicide, one count of reckless operation of a vehicle in a highway work zone, and seven counts of reckless driving.
Professional Ramifications: The Threat to Your Career
Being dishonest or lying on a DOT physical exam can have a devastating impact on your professional life, including disqualification from operating commercial vehicles, potential job loss, financial hardship, and damage to your professional reputation.
Triggers of DOT Physical Failure: Understanding Disqualifying Conditions

To avoid any chance of failing or falsifying information during your DOT physical, it’s important that you understand what the DOT considers disqualifying conditions for a commercial truck driver and the steps you can take to avoid common missteps and misunderstandings about your medical history.
Common Medical Conditions that Could Lead to Disqualification
The FMCSA prohibits a medical examiner from certifying a driver who exhibits or has a history of a DOT disqualifying medical conditions or uses medication or substances that interfere with their ability to drive or operate a CMV safely.
Disqualifying medical conditions discovered during the DOT physical exam that can lead to a failed exam and bar you from obtaining a commercial vehicle license include:
- Poor vision (less than 20/40 vision in each or both eyes together) that can’t be corrected with glasses or contact lenses. Poor peripheral vision and color recognition are also considered disqualifying.
- Hearing loss.
- Heart disease or heart conditions (including previous diagnosis of heart attack, angina, thrombosis, reduced blood flow, etc.)
- Stroke
- Diabetes Mellitus
- High blood pressure that requires medication
- Epilepsy or seizure disorder
- Neurological disorders and mental illness
- Respiratory issues (such as those that require oxygen therapy)
- Kidney disfunction
- Alcohol or drug use (for example, marijuana use, whether prescribed or recreational, is a disqualifying medical condition)
These conditions are considered disqualifying since they may result in loss of consciousness, an inability to read or respond to traffic signals, balance issues, or other physical limitations that put you and the public at risk.
Avoidable Missteps and Misunderstandings
To avoid any accusations of lying on your DOT physical, be prepared to provide current documents detailing your medical history as well as any medications you’re taking.
Try to gather as much information as you can, including:
- A valid form of identification.
- Contact information for your primary care provider or specialist.
- Records of recent office visits, including lab results, prescriptions, and doctor’s notes. These are particularly important if you have a chronic medical condition, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, or a history of heart attack or stroke.
- A signed letter from your physician stating that you can perform tasks, including driving, without restrictions.
- Recent bloodwork results, including blood sugar readings.
- List of all medications, including supplements.
- Vision glasses, contact lenses, or hearing aids.
As you prepare for your DOT physical, take steps to avoid potential missteps. For example:
- Avoid alcohol for at least 24 hours prior to the exam. This can show up in any blood test.
- To ensure you’re alert and unlikely to make any missteps, get a good night’s sleep and stay away from heavy physical or mental activity the day prior.
- Avoid taking any kind of drug – legal or prescription – that could interfere with exam results.
Recovering from a Failed DOT Physical: Paths to Redemption
Failing a DOT physical may keep you off the road in the short term, but it doesn’t have to be permanent. The FMCSA offers a variety of options for successfully obtaining your DOT medical certificate.
Seeking FMCSA Exemptions and Second Opinions
You may apply for an exemption for certain medical conditions, such as vision, hearing, or seizures. Exemptions are granted following an application to the FMCSA and are not issued by a DOT medical examiner.
You’ll need to submit very specific information to the agency for review. This may include physical qualification exam information, medical records, employment history, driving experience, and motor vehicle records. The FMCSA will make a final decision within 180 days of receiving a completed application.
To apply for an exemption, visit the FMCSA website.
Note: FMCSA exemptions are only available if you intend to operate a CMV in interstate commerce. FMCSA does not have statutory authority to grant waivers/exemptions to drivers from states’ intrastate requirements.
From Failure to Redemption: Steps Towards Requalification
If you don’t qualify for an exemption or have failed a DOT physical, there are steps you can take to succeed next time.
- Address health concerns: Certain health conditions can be addressed through lifestyle changes. For example, if you are borderline diabetic or on the cusp of high blood pressure and a DOT medical examiner fails you, don’t give up hope. Work with your primary care provider to come up with a diet and exercise plan to improve your readings. And be honest with your next DOT examiner about your previous medical history, reason for failing the exam, and steps you’ve taken to get healthy.
- Get a second opinion: The FMCSA does allow you to get a second opinion from another medical professional. For example, if your blood pressure is normally low but spiked during the exam, you may want to get a second opinion. But you must provide a full and true history to the medical examiner in question and not cross the line into illegal “doctor shopping.”
- Reapply for the exam: You can retake the DOT physical if you address the medical issue that caused you to fail the exam.
Penalty for Lying on DOT Physical: FAQ

Where do you go for a DOT physical exam?
DOT physicals are performed by FMCSA-certified medical examiners. Acuity has a network of more than 11,000 providers, including certified medical examiners who can perform DOT physicals. You can also search for a certified medical examiner using the FMCSA National Registry.
What does a DOT physical involve?
During a DOT physical assessment, a medical examiner will evaluate your medical history, including physical, emotional, and mental conditions. Typical exams include an assessment of the following:
• Physical abilities (vision, hearing, etc.)
• Medical history and lifestyle
• Strength and stamina (especially if the position involves operating heavy equipment or machinery)
• Mental and behavioral health (such as the ability to handle the psychological pressures of the job)
• Functional limitations
• Drug and alcohol use
You may also be asked to undertake a sleep apnea test.
How long is a DOT physical exam valid?
A DOT physical exam is valid for 24 months. If a medical examiner chooses to intermittently monitor your condition, a medical examiner’s certificate
may be issued for less than 24 months.
Penalty for Lying on DOT Physical: Honesty is the Best Policy
The penalties for lying during a DOT physical exam are hefty – and for good reason. Commercial drivers operate heavy vehicles at high speeds and in all types of weather. They also encounter daily hazards.
Lying about your health, medical condition, or use of drugs and alcohol to fraudulently pass a DOT physical can result in fines, suspension, or revocation of the medical examiner’s certificate – and the loss of your commercial driver’s license. If it’s determined that you knowingly falsified information, you may be fined up to $11,000. You can also be held accountable by your employer and the law.
Lying on your DOT physical is not worth it. Do the right thing.
Learn more about Acuity’s FMCSA-compliant DOT physicals.